The QuickVue® H.pylori gII™ test is a lateral-flow immuno-chromatographic assay intended for the rapid, qualitative detection of IgG antibodies specific to Helicobacter pylori in human serum, plasma or whole blood. It utilizes a convenient, non-invasive, and easy to perform test methodology to aid physicians in the diagnosis of H.pylori infection in patients with clinical signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal disease. All materials required to perform the assay are provided in the QuickVue H.pylori gII test kit, including positive and negative external controls. The kit may be stored at room temperature and its whole blood procudure is CLIA-waived.
- Two-color Result/Control Lines: Easier to discern between control line and result line, reducing risk of misinterpretation.
- 5 Minutes to Result: Allows for prompt diagnosis and treatment. Increases office efficiency by reducing follow-up activities.
- One Step Procedure: Reduces risk of operator error.
- Pictorial Procedure Guide: Clear and simple illustrations to reduce risk of operator error.
- Room Temperature Storage: Eliminates reagent warm-up requirements allowing for shorter time to results. Eliminates need for refrigerator storage space.
- 12 Month Dating from Time of Manufacturing: Permits usage by low volume laboratories.
- Built-in Internal Control: Increased confidence in results.
- Kit Includes External Controls: Increased confidence in results. Easier to comply with outside regulatory agencies..
- Self Contained Kit Design: Improved testing and laboratory efficiency.