Weight Loss Management
The Best Way To Lose Weight - Best Diet & Weight Loss Management
The myths you’ve been fed about diets
- You’re overweight because you eat too much.
- Because your parents and grandparents had High Cholesterol means you will.
- You can’t stop Diabetes from ever being part of your life.
- Fatty Liver only happens to alcoholics.
The symptoms listed above are symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome (MSx). Living free of these issues are easier than you have been lead to believe.
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Over 80% of Americans are suffering from one of the issues listed above. Medical research has proven that you can choose to be free from all of these issues. The answer isn’t found in medications or operations. The simple truth is food is what caused these issues in your life and WiO Smartfood can be the answer in freeing you from them. The answer isn’t found in you trying harder or taking a magic pill, but in reversing or “resetting” the root cause. |
Do you have Metabolic Syndrome?
- Are you overweight?
- Do you have high blood pressure?
- Do you have high cholesterol?
- Do you have diabetes?
If you said yes to two or more of the above, you have the symptoms of MSx.
We all want to look and feel great! The body is an amazing machine and when it is given the proper nutrition it needs, it sets the foundation for a lifetime of health and wellness. Through the WiO protocol, your blood pressure and cholesterol levels may stabilize; glucose levels may even out and even take a client out of a diabetic state. Life can opens doors that we never considered possible because we spend our energy focusing on the “beauties” of life, not doctor visits and medications. We may enjoy increased energy and vitality to be able to do the things we want to do in life; whether it’s energy to play with your kids, being present to walk your daughter down the aisle of her wedding, go hiking with your loved ones or simply breathe the fresh air of life..
Fat loss and dieting aren’t just about going down a dress size or two. It’s about improving your life in dozens of significant ways. Successfully losing fat can play a huge role in the way we see ourselves, and how we present ourselves to others.
If you are suffering from Metabolic Syndrome (MSx) we’d like to show you how WiO can help you!.
The answer is not found in medications or operations.
The answer is not found in you trying harder or taking a magic pill
The answer IS FOUND in REVERSING or “RESETTING” the root cause.
WiO is scientifically proven to assist in CHANGING THE WAY YOUR BODY WORKS. It resets the pancreas, liver, and digestive system, thus allowing your body to shed fat, improve overall health, and experience increased energy and vitality.
WiO can help you through 3 easy steps:
- Reset What’s Broken
- Phase 1 is called the Resetting Phase during which the Pancreas, Liver, and Digestive System are reset. These organs and systems need to be healthy in order to overcome MSx and to change the way the body works. Clinical trials show that the most dysfunctional pancreas can be reset in just 12 weeks. Therefore, Phase 1 is a minimum of 12 weeks long. You will shed most of your unwanted fat during this phase. Should you have more fat to lose after the initial 12 weeks, you can choose to continue in Phase 1 until the desired amount of fat is shed. You will consume 4 meals a day, three of which will be WiO’s proprietary Meal Replacement Shakes (MRP). The fourth will be a healthy and sensible meal choice as outlined in the WiO material. Along with shedding fat, if you have high cholesterol or blood pressure issues these will normalize also. If you suffer from diabetes, you will benefit greatly from this phase, because your glucose levels may normalize, and you may be able to reduce your medications or quit them all together under a doctor’s supervision. All of this happens in this first phase.
- Phase 2 is called the Corrective Phase. Over the course of 3 to 4 weeks,you will start to ease into a regular, healthy lifestyle eating the right foods. During this phase you will consume four meals a day, two of which will be WiO’s proprietary Meal Replacement Shakes (MRP). The other two meals will be healthy and sensible meal choices as outlined in the WiO material. Many clients find they don’t miss out on any of the foods they love, while they learn how all foods can be used in a healthy lifestyle.
- Phase 3 is called the Rehabilitation Phase and is the most important phase of all. If this transition isn’t completed, the body will have a tendency to return to its previous dysfunction(s). We carefully guide you through this important phase. Phase 3 also lasts 3-4 weeks. During this phase, you are still shedding the last of your unhealthy fat while consuming four meals a day. One meal will be WiO’s proprietary Meal Replacement Shakes (MRP) and the other three meals will be healthy and sensible meal choices as outlined in the WiO material. You will tend to feel better than you have in years and may report feeling even better than you have in your whole life. Other noted benefits of Phase 3 are clearer thinking, improved mood, and overall wellness and vitality.
- Phase 4 is called the Maintenance Phase. This phase is simply maintaining the great level of health clients now enjoy. It is recommended to consume one WiO Proprietary Meal Replacement a day and eat healthy and sensible meal choices for the other meals. It is simple, enjoyable, and the foods taste fantastic. Many have a zest for life again and many find that it is easier than they ever thought possible!
- The WiO SmartFoods™
This step is so important! It doesn’t matter how great the program is, if your cravings are not satisfied and you can’t comply with the protocol, the program won’t work for you. The reason clients can stay on WiO Protocol long enough to correct the underlying problems is because of the SmartFoods. WiO has created real food containing special ingredients, which lower the calories by 75% without sacrificing taste! More importantly, the carbohydrates are low enough for the body to still correct the dysfunction(s) while eating them. You may enjoy the WiO SmartBread, WiO SmartMuffins, WiO SmartPizza, WiO SmartPot Pie, WiO SmartCookies and more, during all phases of the program. The need to cheat to satisfy cravings is greatly reduced because the SmartFoods do the job. WiO offers the WiO SmartFoods line through ready-made foods, as well as through our proprietary WiO SmartFlour and WiO Smart&Sweet (our 100% ALL Natural Sweetener) for those who like to bake. All WiO SmartFoods are made with All Natural Ingredients, no preservatives, and fortified with active digestive enzymes for added digestive support.
- Intuitive Eating Lessons
- We have found that nearly everyone has some inappropriate relationship to food; meaning, they will eat some food(s) for no good reason. For example, some people only eat junk food when they go on a road trip. They say, “That’s just the thing you do when you travel.” We all seem to have some emotional trigger(s), whether it’s anger, happiness, loneliness or any emotion that causes you to eat. This is not healthy. To overcome this issue, each week the WiO health coach will give an Intuitive Eating lesson. These lessons really help you understand “WHY” you eat the foods you do and “HOW” to resolve issues associated with emotional eating. It’s very simple, but effective.
- We have found that nearly everyone has some inappropriate relationship to food; meaning, they will eat some food(s) for no good reason. For example, some people only eat junk food when they go on a road trip. They say, “That’s just the thing you do when you travel.” We all seem to have some emotional trigger(s), whether it’s anger, happiness, loneliness or any emotion that causes you to eat. This is not healthy. To overcome this issue, each week the WiO health coach will give an Intuitive Eating lesson. These lessons really help you understand “WHY” you eat the foods you do and “HOW” to resolve issues associated with emotional eating. It’s very simple, but effective.
As you follow these simple steps, you may finally overcome the issues that have kept you from feeling the way you should, and enjoy the life you were designed to: a life full of health, energy, and vitality.